Search Party

Search Party was the outcome of Sonya’s 2011 STTA residency with IOU, at Dean Clough, Halifax. The projects first outing took place in Pudsey Clough, a local beauty spot and was gratefully supported by IOU and Cornholme Community Project.

Treading the fine line between giggly adrenaline rush and genuine spook, Search Party was a dusk expedition, not for the faint hearted. Chasing phantoms and clues the audience traversed the moors in semi-darkness, guided by a deranged dinner lady and romantically entangled police officer. For their efforts the audience were brought back to safety and served supper at home, gently delivering them into the real world with smiles on their faces.

Working in collaboration with Photographer Duncan Elliott , Sonya has revisited the design and representation most exciting characters to create new, evocative images.




Dolly Birds